Hi, I'm Andres!

I'm a Software Engineer based in San Jose,CRC. Working towards creating software that makes life easier and more meaningful.


About Me

Get to know me!

Hi, my name is Andres and I am a highly ambitious, self-motivated, and driven software engineer based in Costa Rica.

I graduated from Universidad Americana, San Jose in 2019 with a BS in Computer Engineering and have been working in the field ever since.

I have a wide range of hobbies and passions that keep me busy. From bicycling, playing soccer, traveling, go hacking,

I believe that you should never stop growing and that's what I strive to do, I have a passion for technology and a desire to always push the limits of what is possible. I am excited to see where my career takes me and am always open to new opportunities.

My Skills





React Native



Tailwind CSS





Journal App

Journal App with Reactjs

Gift Random Generator

Random Image Generator Finder API

Todo App with Reactjs

Todo App CRUD

Todos RTK Query

ThankfulThoughts is a web app that generates an appreciative sentence of something or someone you are thankful for.

Weather App Search Engine

Displays information about forecast and weather in the city

Calendar App CRUD with Reactjs + MongoDB

Calendar App CRUD appoinment system

Pokemon App with Nextjs v12

Display different types of Pokemons

Airbnb Clone with Nextjs v13

Full Stack Airbnb Clone with Nextjs + Tailwind + Prisma + MongoDB + NextAuth

Jira Clone App with Nextjs v13

Jira Clone with Next.js 13 App Create/Update : React,MongoDB,Typescript

TypeScript React Introduction Example

Basic concepts with TS and React

Family Guy App with Nextjs

Engaging app that showcases information about Family Guy characters

Jira Clone with Angular

Jira Clone App CRUD

Angular Calculator

Calculator with basic operations

Quote Generator

Inspiritional Quote Generator Nextjs

Ecommerce Store

Ecommerce Store:Display products and categories from Dashboard


Dashboard Store:CMS, Admin and API

Genius AI Generator

SaaS AI Platform with Next.js 13